

My name is Amy and my husband is Peter Giles, and we are the human farmers here. We live on a 9+ acre piece of property we call Meridian Farm. Here, we slow down, be quiet, and observe nature expressing its beauty and intelligence.

We relate with the farm’s animals, plants, and other life forms through the work of our hands and the movement of our bodies. It’s a visceral, physical, tangible, and spiritual connection: the land’s life is part of us, and our lives are part of it. This relationship teaches us to be stewards instead of “owners.”

What we discover here is not just for us, but for sharing, with other farmers and other people. Since we don’t have visit days or public reception facilities, we share our experiences as farmers through this website.

We hope that you find something here that is useful, whether it’s a piece of practical knowledge, or a moment of happiness and recognition of your connection with life.

Woman with puppy