Vegetable Providers

Vegetable Providers

We have loved having a garden full of vegetable providers—potatoes, chili peppers, zucchini, kale, chard, beets, asparagus, and many more. And, since we’ve brought in sheep and goats and livestock guardian dogs, we are not doing much vegetable gardening.

With all the amazing farmers around here, we decided that we are more interested in exploring animal consciousness than in working with vegetable providers ourselves. So, now we leave that work to other people. Our favorite farmers are Bob Cannard at Green String Farm and Farmer Wayne at Tierra Vegetables. We love the produce from FEED Sonoma that comes in our Tara Firma farms CSA box.

That said, we do still enjoy the (low-work) spring asparagus from our farm, and the chance to pick fresh nettles. Perennial vegetables are more attractive to us than annuals at this point!