

To rebalance means starting with where you are, and moving toward a new center—of gravity, of being, of movement. Rebalancing is a big part of dynamic harmony. The farm has a lot to teach us about this.

The Problem is the Solution

Toby Hemenway taught in the Permaculture Design Course that “The problem is the solution.” We are starting to understand what that means.

In life, sometimes, things go out of balance. Often it seems inconvenient, expensive, or exhausting—or all of the above—to “fix” it. We used to get angry about these “interruptions” of our plans and our lives.

Now, we see things differently. We perceive that these “problems” reflect some underlying conditions that we either weren’t previously aware of, or, that we noticed, but chose to ignore. Maybe we were too busy or too tired. Or maybe it just seemed unimportant. The problem coming to a head, bursting on to the scene, means that these underlying conditions are ready now for our attention and consideration.

When we look at things this way, we learn that whatever is happening is happening for a good reason. We try to consider the situation from Nature’s point of view and—surprise!—find opportunities to build health, vitality, and joy for ourselves and for the life on the farm.

So, in rebalancing mode, first, we slow down. We pay attention and reflect. We embrace the opportunity to become more conscious. Then, we roll up our sleeves and start to dance with it all.

Here are examples of some of our rebalancing opportunities.

Rebalancing for Wildfire Resilience

Rebalancing with the Foxtails