

We love projects. On the farm, we exercise our crafts of visioning, designing, and building, together.

We are students of consciousness and health. Our learning started with food, then moved into soil, then into plants and landscaping, then animals, then wool as a byproduct of all the rest. At each stage, the core lesson has been about dynamic harmony, within ourselves and in our relationships with each other and the environment.

Along the way we’ve had great fun doing various hands-on projects in these farm fields of play and experimentation. 

We are smallholders and our projects are on that scale. Through our farm projects we have built hope about environmental restoration and reversing climate change. There is real change on our farm, in our Fibershed, and in our county.

It’s not just changes in big Ag that can help turn things around. Don’t wait to get started. Smallholder projects have a role to play! Participate and observe outcomes in small farm laboratories. What works for the benefit of our larger culture, and ecosystems, and planet?

Our current favorite farm projects are 
