

Plants bring us so much joy! The glossy green leaves, the majestic sheltering oaks, the colorful flowers. . .

We have a mix of domestic and wild plants on the farm. Some of the domestics were here when we arrived, including roses and a fruit tree orchard. But, we mainly focus on California natives.  

We seek to be in dynamic harmony with Nature through our landscaping. To this, we focus our minds in ways that allow us to experience non-human perspectives along with our human perceptions. It helps immensely to open a channel of communication with the little beings who care for the plants (sometimes called nature spirits) to get information about what they want or need for:

  • Selecting species
  • Choosing particular specimens at the nursery
  • Deciding where to put them in the ground
  • Caring for the plants

We use the Biodynamic calendar Stella Natura, along with our intuition, to plan when to prune, weed, harvest, fertilize, etc.

You can more read about our farm’s: